Branches for Feisty

Name Status Last Modified Last Commit
lp:ubuntu/feisty/portreserve 1 Development 2009-08-12 06:35:17 UTC
3. * Applied patch from Matt Brown <debi...

Author: Javier Fernández-Sanguino
Revision Date: 2006-02-25 20:31:37 UTC

* Applied patch from Matt Brown <> :
* Adjusted debian/copyright to include libslack copyright and license (GPL)
* Create /etc/portreserve on installation, although it's not handled by
  the package scripts (other packages can drop files there).
[ Matt Brown ]
* Fixed minor init script bugs (Closes: #352103)
  - Use -z instead of -n to test list of service files
  - Use $NAME instead of the undefined $prog in the pidfile name
* Make portreserve handle pidfiles using daemon_lock_pidfile and
  fcntl_lock taken from libslack:
  - Check for existance of pidfile on startup, fail if already running
  - Create pidfile on startup
  - Remove pidfile when program exits cleanly
[ Javier Fernandez-Sanguino ]
* Enhance init script:
 - stale pidfiles are removed (in case we switch runlevels and
  all services were portreleased or /var/run/ was not cleaned or
  portreserve did not clean up properly on release).
      - Use the exit status of start-stop-daemon to determine if we
  succeeded, also, wait a bit before checking the running status
  on fast systems the init.d script might trigger a
  race condition and think that the daemon has not started yet
* Make portreserve cleanup the pidfile on SIGINT, SIGTERM, and SIGKILL
* Make portreserve generate the pidfile even if working on debug mode

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