Binary package “gr-osmosdr” in ubuntu bionic

Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project

 The Osmocom project is a family of projects regarding Open source
 mobile communications.
 While primarily being developed for the OsmoSDR hardware, this block
 as well supports:
  - FUNcube Dongle through libgnuradio-fcd
  - FUNcube Dongle Pro+ through gr-fcdproplus
  - sysmocom OsmoSDR Devices through libosmosdr
  - RTL2832U based DVB-T dongles through librtlsdr
  - RTL-TCP spectrum server (see librtlsdr project)
  - MSi2500 based DVB-T dongles through libmirisdr
  - gnuradio .cfile input through libgnuradio-blocks
  - RFSPACE SDR-IQ, SDR-IP, NetSDR (incl. X2 option)
  - Great Scott Gadgets HackRF through libhackrf
  - Nuand LLC bladeRF through libbladeRF library
  - Ettus USRP Devices through Ettus UHD library
  - Fairwaves UmTRX through Fairwaves' fork of UHD
  - AIRSPY Receiver
  - AIRSPY HF+ Receiver
  - SoapySDR support
  - Red Pitaya SDR transceiver (
  - FreeSRP through libfreesrp
 By using the OsmoSDR block you can take advantage of a common
 software API in your application(s) independent of the underlying
 radio hardware.