Comment 1 for bug 35113

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John Steele Scott (toojays) wrote : this xorg.conf gets me video out on my iBook G4 1GHz

I have had video out working on my iBook G4 for quite some time now (probably since Hoary).

If I have the monitor attached when the X server starts, I get a 1920x1200 pixel desktop on my main display, with a 1024x768 viewport into this desktop on the laptop panel. I can use xrandr to switch to a plain 1024x768 desktop, then unplug the monitor.

If there is no monitor attached when X starts, the high resolution mode is not available---then I need to restart X (Ctrl-Alt-Delete on an iBook keyboard) after I plug in the external display.

This xorg.conf shows how I do it. You may need to change the resolution of the second mode.