Comment 13 for bug 507097

Revision history for this message
derk (joeymon25) wrote :

I posted this duplicate of this problem Bug #508386 , so thanks to Dave Lentz for his xorg tip as that allowed me to login by getting my keyboard to work. I had to modify his xorg.conf for my devices and I have attached this just in case someone needs a tip. When you click away the message and then log in it does come back once more. Click though that and things are almost back to normal.

>When you ssh into the install, try starting HAL manually:
>sudo service hal restart

The service seems to be already running so this does not help.

service hal start

hal start/running, process 10995

>I forget if the packages are installed by default, but you'll need them for the above suggestion:
>sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-mouse xserver-xorg-input-kbd

Yes they are.

Can I assume usb disks are not being mounted automatically for example could be due to this? This has worked on every prior version prior to this with the same kit.