Comment 30 for bug 447197

Revision history for this message
dk75 (amidk75) wrote :

gosh, is my english that really bad?

I said that I've done typos posting key name in first post but in sysctl.conf it was without typos.
And now it is commented out and that why wine1.2 installed without problem.

Problem wasn't a typo because it was only in my message not in sysctl.conf

Now read other people messages - they posted its own sysctl.conf
Every one had "vm.mmap_min_adr=0" ( probably from old Jaunty wine installer script ) and this same key is in "/etc/sysctl.d/30-wine.conf" but you can only see that when wine1.2 is installed properly. If not there is no "/etc/sysctl.d/30-wine.conf" and thus nobony can tell that it is a problem.

I figured it out because I've seen posts about sysctl.conf here and remembered that at saturday I've edited it from oryginal state. Now, what you see in prevoius my message is almost oryginal state ( except for #Scratchbox2" part and everything below ) and only after commenting out "vm.mmap_min_adr" in sysctl.conf I was able to install wine1.2

Typos is not an issue. There was no typos. I've only made typos posting there ( launchpad ). Only there.
Again. Only there.
Duplication WAS one "vm.mmap_min_adr=4096" in "/etc/sysctl.conf" and second "vm.mmap_min_adr=0" in "/etc/sysctl.d/30-wine.conf" and that must be reason because durring failed installation there was no "/etc/sysctl.d/30-wine.conf" at all thereafter.
I am clear now? I am understandable now?
No one can change anything in "30-wine.conf" before installation except for pakage maintainer so it's only one way to test it - comment out "vm.mmap_min_adr=0" in "/etc/sysctl.conf"

So, if anyone there who has wine1.2 installing problem could check it out...