Comment 2 for bug 1623570

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Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

So we have a couple of options here:
a.) use '__builtin__' mode in cloud-init for the walinux agent functionality.
this in theory should work, but we have not largely tested it. Basically
this path has cloud-init doing the metadata service exchange itself rather than relying on walinux-agent to pull the files it needs and then using them.

I've noticed one issue with this, is that walinuxagent.service is not started. Per journalctl, Breaking ordering cycle by deleting job walinuxagent.service/start

b.) remove or change 'After' 'cloud-final' in walinuxagent.service
I'm not exactly sure why this is here, but I believe it was so that cloud-init had an opportunity to configure walinuxagent or otherwise stop them from fighting. That said, since cloud-init.service is starting walinux-agent (and has been for quite some time), it would seem that an After of 'cloud-init' should be sufficient.

It seems that because of the cyclic issue, 'b' is basically required.