Comment 21 for bug 634571

Revision history for this message
Victor Costan (costan) wrote :

@Robbie: To me, having a package installed by default in a distribution is an implicit endorsement for the package, and a guarantee that the developers have tested the package, and it works for most cases.

I am extremely grateful for everything that Ubuntu is doing, and I'm trying to give back a bit, by running beta builds and reporting bugs. However, I do agree with @waspinator's last point -- if a package is known to be completely broken, it should be pulled out. Broken auto-installed applications ruin the image of both Ubuntu and all Linux-based distributions.

This bug has been reported a month ago, is a clear show-stopper for the app, and has a patch that seems to get the package in a better state (clearly broken -> maybe broken in a subtle way). If nothing is done about it by the time 10.10 ships, I will consider that the time I'm spending testing and filing bugs is wasted.