Comment 2 for bug 433544

Revision history for this message
Dustin Kirkland  (kirkland) wrote :

Hrm, well, my piece (/sbin/service) is relatively simple...

--- service 2009-09-21 22:43:59.182778022 -0700
+++ service.orig 2009-09-21 22:43:41.379105547 -0700
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ done
 if [ -r "/etc/init/${SERVICE}.conf" ]; then
    # Upstart configuration exists for this job
    case "${ACTION}" in
- start|stop|restart|status|reload|force-reload)
+ start|stop|restart|status)
          # Action is a valid upstart action
          exec ${ACTION} ${SERVICE} ${OPTIONS}

However, this would require Upstart to natively support the reload and force-reload actions in the same manner as start, stop, restart, and status... as scripts (or symlinks) in /sbin/reload and /sbin/force-reload.

So I'll add a sysvinit-utils task, assign that to myself.

But I'm going to reassign the upstart bit to Scott. Hopefully you can add reload and force-reload to /sbin/initctl, and install the proper symlinks.
