Comment 1 for bug 941172

Revision history for this message
Nathan Stratton Treadway (nathanst) wrote :

Here's the code that produces the message, found starting at line 484 of

    def _test_and_warn_on_i8xx(self):
        I8XX_PCI_IDS = ["8086:7121", # i810
                        "8086:7125", # i810e
                        "8086:1132", # i815
                        "8086:3577", # i830
                        "8086:2562", # i845
                        "8086:3582", # i855
                        "8086:2572", # i865
        lspci = self._get_pci_ids()
        if set(I8XX_PCI_IDS).intersection(lspci):
            res = self._view.askYesNoQuestion(
                _("Your graphics hardware may not be fully supported in "
                  "Ubuntu 11.04."),
                _("The support in Ubuntu 11.04 for your intel graphics "
                  "hardware is limited "
                  "and you may encounter problems after the upgrade. "
                  "Do you want to continue with the upgrade?")
            if res == False:

(This machine does indeed have a video controller with a "8086:2562" PCI id.)

I noticed the Natty release notes mention there was an issue with i915 and i945 graphics (LP #727594), but it seems like that problem was resolved in the Natty timeframe, so if that's the issue being checked for here, it seems like the check is no longer needed.

On the other hand, if this is related to a different issue, then the version number mentioned in the message should be updated -- and it would be very helpful if the message included a link to additional information so the user would have some idea what sort of problems might occur and how to decide whether or not it's safe to proceed with the upgrade...
