Comment 2 for bug 1403758

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Albert Astals Cid (aacid) wrote :

I've been investigating this today and there's at leat two separate issues:

**Only** on the phone you get the log Timo attaches (or something along the lines). That is caused by QQmlPropertyValidator::canCoerce failing. I've talked to Simon Haussmann from Qt Company and the situation we have (two QQmlPropertyCache with different pointer but same QMetaObject pointer) is technically impossible, yet we're having it, if o change that function to do

    while (fromMo && toMo) {
        if (fromMo->metaObject() && toMo->metaObject() && fromMo->metaObject()->className() == toMo->metaObject()->className())
            return true;
        fromMo = fromMo->parent();

instead of the original loop comparing toMo and fromMo i can workaround the bug (but this is just a hacky) and get to the next bug

On the desktop (or on the phone after workarounding the first issue), you will get errors saying
"Unable to assign QSortFilterProxyModelQML to QSortFilterProxyModelQML"

These errors seem to be caused somehow by Ubuntu.Components since if i un-import it, they go away. You can also workaround them by changing the code from
  property SortFilterProxyModel categories: categoryFilter
  property var categories: categoryFilter

Which you could even argue it's better code in some cases, but still we need to investigate why it's happening.

In summary, there's two bugs:
 Bug #1 only happen on the phone (probably because of ARM)
 Bug #2 is triggered by importing Ubuntu.Components

Both need investigation. I'll continue tomorrow if noone beats me to it :D