Comment 6 for bug 987304

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Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote :

Moses, I think you might have a few different issues, but also this bug...

1. Slight pauses in animations: That could be this bug (Unity interfering in compiz GL rendering too much), but it could also be related to switching rendering modes during animations. Please try this as a workaround:
(a) Run ccsm
(b) In Workarounds, enable "Force full screen redraw (buffer swap) on repaint".

2. Disabling Unity makes everything smooth again: Yes that's this bug.

3. Smoothness disappears when switching from nvidia to nouveau drivers: This is a problem with the default nouveau driver settings. You can fix it by editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf and adding:

# For nouveau only:
Section "Device"
 Identifier "My Graphics"
 Option "GLXVBlank" "on"

Then log out and in again for it to take effect.