Comment 2 for bug 1554040

Revision history for this message
Alberto Mardegan (mardy) wrote :

The importance is a bit arbitrary. From the security point of view, there is really no benefit in having this feature.

However, there is a real case for it, because service providers might have some guidelines on where the application keys can appear and where they cannot: I recall Ken telling me that Twitter was unhappy about having the application keys visible in the Gwibber's source code, and just moving them to the debian/rules files made them happier. It's illogical, but it can happen.

There is anyway another reason why this feature is needed: in some cases, authentication parameters are known only at run time, and therefore cannot be encoded in any static file. The example (and the reason why I hurried to fix this bug) is UbuntuOne, whose "TokenName" parameter is based on the device's hostname, which is changeable.