Comment 10 for bug 1361137

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Michael Terry (mterry) wrote :

This is Ken's description of what he did to reproduce:

<kenvandine> mterry, ok... i reproduced ToyKeeper's issue
 mterry, i can't reproduce the old bug though :)
 mterry, so i went from none to passphrase (not pin)
<kenvandine> entered a 4 digit passphrase twice
 and it hung for a few seconds then told me it failed
<kenvandine> mterry, now i can't change it
<kenvandine> mterry, also... i've confirmed i can't reproduce her new bug without silo 3
 mterry, so the original bug is fixed, but this regression was introduced

I must be doing something differently or having my phone start with a different state. Because I just can't reproduce. Cluebats welcome.