Comment 5 for bug 1355803

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : Re: 'Updates available' header that appears in Settings moves icons around

Whenever updates are available, the System Settings icon in the Dash and Launcher should have a badge, and currently does not. I've reported that as bug 1362518.

And once you enter System Settings to find out the reason for the badge, it would indeed make sense for the "Updates" icon to have the same badge too. I've reported that as bug 1362547.

However, neither of those would solve the problem described in this bug. Because on my test handset at least, the "Updates" item -- like the other semi-bureaucratic items in the grid's bottom row -- requires scrolling to make it visible. And that would be true even if we got rid of the "Updates available" item (and even moreso once the current vertical spacing inconsistencies are corrected).

Fortunately, we don't need to get rid of the "Updates available" item to solve this problem. The problem is much simpler than that: the item is being added to the layout at the wrong time.

If the phone knows that updates are available from doing an automatic check, the item should be present immediately when you open System Settings, not a couple of seconds later. And if the phone *doesn't* know that updates are available, it shouldn't find out unless/until you actually navigate to the "Updates" section and trigger a manual check, whereupon you won't be on the main screen anyway. The current behavior seems like it is incorrectly doing a manual check for updates whenever you enter System Settings at all.

The only situation where the item should slide into view, like it's doing now, is when you happen to have the System Settings main screen open at the same moment that the phone is doing its automatic check for updates. Even if (a) the automatic check was daily, (b) you had so many apps installed that updates were available every day, and (c) you averaged two entire minutes looking at the System Settings main screen per day (obviously an overestimate), you would experience this jiggle only once every 720 days.