Comment 9 for bug 1718548

Revision history for this message
Stefan Bader (smb) wrote :

@Steve, we try to get the code base of Fan synced across releases (one part of the reasons is that docker and lxd may backport things at any time, the other part is to avoid having to maintain subtly different code bases). The changes I attributed to this bug are an additional exit in an awk script which is verified by the tests still working. The other part is adding tests and print statements for DNS configuration (host and container side) which can be verified by looking at the test logs.

As for the docker tests failing, we probably should move that to its own bug. Right now this only happens in the CI environment and I cannot see much that the Fan testing could do:
- the hosting VM (artful/bionic) is using netplan and from print statements
  has systemd-resolv ready before launching the container
- the container (docker) uses its own DNS resolver, we pull latest lts images so
  those are xenial based atm.
- the image is pulled by dockerd, so that has at least DNS resolution for the
- however inside the container (and unfortunately that is rather limited in the
  supplied commands) DNS lookups via the docker resolver fail.

I can pull the current cloud-images used by adt locally and get all testing passed without the slightest issue.