Comment 2 for bug 197838

Revision history for this message
Evan (ev) wrote :

"* (Note: resizing that window shows the first part of the "termometer graph" to read: /dev/sda1 12% 90x.xMB"
   where the x.x varies as you resize, from ~903.? up to about 909.9MB; that's a bug in its own right, the
   size of the proposed partition can't reasonably be related to the size of the dialog box describing it!)"

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this. The size of each box is proportional to the size of the partition it represents. This is intentional and meant to give the user a visual representation of the layout of that portion of their disk after resizing.

Also, can you please run the installer in debug mode (`ubiquity -d` in a terminal window) and attach /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman, and /var/log/installer/debug when the invalid size dialog appears?
