Comment 12 for bug 131983

Revision history for this message
Oleksij Rempel (olerem) wrote : Re: [Bug 131983] Re: [gutsy] trackerd kills disk io

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*Any* user friendly indexing software should be smart enough to start
indexing if there is *no* user activities. What do you think normal user
do if it jast start the laptop to check emails bat can't just because
tracker kill all *IO* not a CPU.

I'm not using source in my /home/ at all, but i have a lot of email and
other 50G of *.odf *.ogg *.jpg ... what should be indexed, so you try to
explain me i'm not "smart enough" "dev" to just black list may /home/path.

OK. May be i am. So i'm just stupid user who can't adapt own life to one
 rely smart tracker. You mean i need to wait about 15 min after ubuntu
start to check emails or start firefox...

> note that this issue is for devs with loads of source code - most
> ordinary users will not experience them.

how many "ordinary users" use gutsy now?! all user i have in my network
use feisty and just little sad if trying new *beta* software
on them... not really better what microsoft do. So i trying my best and
 trying test this software as normal user or users i can and i can say,
*all* this normal user will have the same issue i have.

There is no sense to continue this discussion... i'm happy to hear you
working to improve it. So i thank you for your work but don't ever try
me to explain how "smart" am i, i can explain you about you the same.

Jamie McCracken schrieb:
> We are working to improve it substantially but...
> *any* indexer which does real time watching will slow down devs with
> source code when compiling or checking out- thats why we created the
> options for them to omit them from being indexed or crawled only at
> start up. We can not eliminate the overhead entirely unless they use the
> options we provide
> note that this issue is for devs with loads of source code - most
> ordinary users will not experience them.
> Fortunately devs are smart enough to configure tracker to suit their
> needs...

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