Comment 17 for bug 338321

Revision history for this message
Milan Bouchet-Valat (nalimilan) wrote :

I really think it needs to be changed, and that would simply mean to add a mention that you need installing gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad to read DVDs. That's the major problem regarding the docs.

But we may need more information:
- is gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly also needed (it contains libdvdread support)?
- or is it needed only for encrypted DVDs?

And regarding Totem automated codec installation, we should find why -bad was not installed. The 'Gstreamer-Uri-Sources:' mentions dvd in Jaunty, so that may be only an Intrepid issue. Ron, could you issue 'apt-cache show gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly | grep Gstreamer-Uri-Sources:' and post the result? Thanks!

Another problem is obviously that DVD support should be enabled by default, and thus ResinDVD should be in -good. But that will happen when it's considered stable enough, I guess...