Comment 17 for bug 574554

Revision history for this message
Nick Barcet (nijaba) wrote :

After discussion in #ubuntu-devel, it was decided that fixing this in an SRU to lucid would be too dangerous:
"it would suddently start the daemon for people who have it installed, so that might be an unexpected behaviour change"

However, providing this updated package in lucid-backport would be completely acceptable and Chuck will soon upload it there. Once this is done, we can then use it by:

a) add the following to /ect/apt/preferences (or create the file if it does not exist):
Package: *
Pin: release a=lucid-backports
Pin-Priority: 400

b) install the backported package with:
sudo apt-get install -t lucid-backports tgt

More details on the logic at: pinning to limit the backports repository