Comment 42 for bug 45842

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Alessandro Morgantini (gpz500) wrote :

Hi all!
I've just noticed that, if in the /etc/fstab file the server is inserted in the form 'servername.local' (mDNS name), the NFS volume isn't mounted at boot time. If, after the boot, I do "sudo mount -a" is ok: obviously the avahi-daemon is not ready yet at boot time.

But the weird thing is that if I configure my network interface eth0 in Roaming mode, so is NetworkManager that manages it, everything is OK at the boot time also, as expected!

I'm in the situation that I can't use NetworkManager, because I must set up some special routing rules and, simultaneously, I would like to use the .local name, because in my LAN there isn't any DNS server and, also, I can't use fixed IP addresses for the PCs.

Someone has any idea?