Comment 37 for bug 275451

Revision history for this message
epicurea (suknat) wrote :

#MxxCon - I was pretty skeptical myself after all it has not been working for a while and I have not really changed anything much. Except perhaps for explicitly defining the location of my credentials file (it was in home but it may be possible it was not picking it up at boot). So just to be clear, my fstab entries now look like the following:

// /smb/somefolder smbfs auto,credentials=/home/username/smbcredentials,uid=XXX,gid=XXX,umask=000 0 0

Whereas previously they looked like:

// /smb/somefolder smbfs auto,credentials=smbcredentials,uid=XXX,gid=XXX,umask=000 0 0

But I can confirm that it is definitely working now.