Comment 27 for bug 528524

Revision history for this message
Li Li (lli5) wrote : Re: Sound not working in all apps on dove

Add another finding here in case it is not mentioned before.

============ findings and investigation ==============

You can enable audio on ubuntu lucid as follows:

1. Add USER ubuntu to audio group /* this seems has been fixed in the latest Lucid */
# sudo usermod –aG audio ubuntu

2. Change pulse audio resample method
sudo vi /etc/pulse/daemon.conf
  resample-method = speex-float-1
  resample-method = trivial

3. Sudo reboot
Then you can choose audio output and get audio enabled.

==================== Conclusion =====================

Why we need to add ubuntu to audio group may be a bug of lucid (should have been fixed already).

The resample method can be set to any other values except speex-float-N and it is caused by libspeex library issue.

BTW, trival method cast least CPU and the quality is acceptable.

==================== speex fix =====================

The libspeex includes three resampling methods: fixed point, generic float point and SSE (intel specified float instruction set for X86).

Debian/rules will detect ARCH and configure "correct" resampling method.

Specially for X86, it will enable SSE. While for arm, it will enable fixed-point only by default and suppose your platform is armv4 which won’t support float-point.

By comment out this armv4 rule (see below), we can enable float-point resample method on ARM, without effecting existing fixed-point.

ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU),arm)
objdir = $(objdir_fixedpoint)
EXTRA_CONFIG_FLAGS = --enable-arm4-asm


ifeq ($(DEB_HOST_ARCH_CPU),arm)
#objdir = $(objdir_fixedpoint)
#EXTRA_CONFIG_FLAGS = --enable-arm4-asm