Comment 10 for bug 426999

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote : Re: Navigating to item via search doesn't show its department/subsection

Yes, I've specified how it should be possible for an item to be in more than one department/subsection, using X-Ubuntu-Category-Secondary. <> As far as I know, that's not implemented yet, so the only reason that an item *currently* appears in more than once place is bug 554180.

When X-Ubuntu-Category-Secondary is implemented, it's obvious which department and subsection should be shown in the pathbutton after a search; the primary ones, not the secondary ones. But I've just realized that that's not appropriate when you navigate via the secondary department/subsection; in that case, the path button should show that secondary department/subsection instead. I've fixed the spec now. Thanks for helping me realize this! <>