Comment 64 for bug 1874075

Revision history for this message
Nicolas Bock (nicolasbock) wrote :

> I guess this all means that 1) the version in focal-proposed is
> correct, and 2) the xenial and bionic versions need the addition of
> TimeoutStartSec=600 and Restart=on-failure to their service file,
> right? Is that all that's needed?

I agree with your assessment regarding Focal and Groovy. However, I
would like to verify this thesis for Bionic and Xenial to make sure
that rabbitmq-server and systemd behave that way there as well. Note
that the systemd service file on Bionic has an ExecStartPost calling a
wrapper script in addtion to the ExecStart which wouldn't be necessary
if the rabbitmq-server behaved the same way it does in Focal and
Groovy. In addition I am uncertain why the service doesn't use
`Type=notify` as in the later versions. Rabbitmq-server-3.6.10
understands what `sd_notify` is and I would have thought that this
implies that we should be able to use `Type=notify` on Bionic.