Comment 9 for bug 1773324

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote : Re: rabbitmqadmin shows %%VSN%% as version

Hi Alvin,

Good progress! And thanks for documenting the patch. I would suggest a few changes:

* Instead of calling it 'mypatch.diff' give it a descriptive name, like 'fix-version-string.patch'

* In the patch metadata, make sure to replace all the stuff in <angle brackets>. For example, instead of:

Description: Replace %%VSN%% in rabbitmqadmin with version number
 <long description that can span multiple lines, optional>
Author: Alvin Joseph Tang, <email address hidden>
Origin: <upstream|backport|vendor|other>, <URL, required except if Author is present>
Applied-Upstream: <version|URL|commit, identifies patches merged upstream, optional>
Reviewed-by: <name and email of a reviewer, optional>

You could say something like:

Description: Replace %%VSN%% in rabbitmqadmin with version number
Author: Alvin Joseph Tang, <email address hidden>
Origin: backport
Applied-Upstream: 3.6.10
Reviewed-by: Bryce Harrington <email address hidden>
Last-Update: 2019-06-05