Comment 4 for bug 531518

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote :


I read the changelog since (which we have in lucid right now), and indeed it looks like half a rewrite. python-apt does have some tests, but they only seem to cover the API to a low degree.

To be honest I'd rather like to see this in a PPA first, so that we can test rdepends which use python-apt heavily (ubiquity, packagekit-backend-apt, jockey, landscape, software-center).

Can you please explain the "on the next LTS we can work with the new (nicer) API and do not need to maintain both old and new API when we do a lucid->lts+1 upgrade."? If a package in the next LTS uses the new API (which all of them will, hopefully), wouldn't they just depend on the new version? I guess you mean that the dist-upgrader itself would need to use the old python-apt API?