Comment 13 for bug 1061166

Revision history for this message
Jon Proulx (jproulx) wrote :

I see that for instances that were running during the upgrade, but I'm getting this error with new instances that do not have duplicate entries:

euca-describe-instances i-00004fb6
RESERVATION r-ttje080y 98333a1a28e746fa8c629c83a818ad57 open
INSTANCE i-00004fb6 ami-00000027 flood-x26 flood-x26 running 0 m1.tiny 2012-10-09T14:42:16.000Z nova

euca-terminate-instances i-00004fb6
InstanceNotFound: Instance i-00004fb6 could not be found.

nova show shows this as having UUID 3f5d9fbf-eb02-4531-bacd-90df69f1233a and converting the ec2 id to decimal gives me ID 20406

mysql> select * from instance_id_mappings where uuid='3f5d9fbf-eb02-4531-bacd-90df69f1233a' or id=20406 ;
| created_at | updated_at | deleted_at | deleted | id | uuid |
| 2012-10-09 14:42:16 | NULL | NULL | 0 | 20406 | 3f5d9fbf-eb02-4531-bacd-90df69f1233a |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select created_at,updated_at,deleted_at,id,uuid,hostname from instances where uuid='3f5d9fbf-eb02-4531-bacd-90df69f1233a' or id=20406 ;
| created_at | updated_at | deleted_at | id | uuid | hostname |
| 2012-10-09 14:42:16 | 2012-10-09 14:42:47 | NULL | 20297 | 3f5d9fbf-eb02-4531-bacd-90df69f1233a | flood-x26 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

do I need to ensure == thats' a little ugly, but possible to fix up on my end.