Comment 3 for bug 1960824

Revision history for this message
Andreas Hasenack (ahasenack) wrote :

The only benefit of having this MIRed is to reduce delta with debian. It's a delta that is a bit annoying to maintain, as it involves d/control package dependencies changes (breaks, replaces, conflicts, that kind of stuff). On one hand, I would love to get rid of this delta. But on the other hand, this package revolves around regular expressions and user ids on something that runs as root, so it will definitely land in the hands of the security team for review. And I'm not aware of this package being used a lot out there in the wild (could be wrong).

All that being said (again), it's now under the maintainership of the upstream nfs-utils source, so it's not like it's abandoned code. But it's definitely just in maintenance mode.

That's where it stands. If we can affort the time spent on this MIR (both our time, and the security team's), then great, it's an annoying delta that will be gone.