Comment 4 for bug 620441

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Clint Byrum (clint-fewbar) wrote :

upstart definitely needs a way to disable the SIGKILL functionality. setting

kill timeout 0

Just means instantly kill it, don't even wait for the SIGTERM. Definitely not the desired behavior.

So this is really a feature request for upstart more than anything.

To be clear, upstart should allow disabling sending kill -9 per-service (I understand that at system shutdown it will still need to kill -9).

I do think its reasonable to make the statement that if your data is important, you should put it in InnoDB, or maybe more importantly "not MyISAM". Complex transactionsal integrity is one reason. MyISAM is extremely prone to data loss on crashes, which I think is the more pressing reason to suggest that InnoDB be preferred in most cases. Certainly upstart isn't the only thing that might accidentally kill -9 your mysqld.

With InnoDB you *will not* have the exact same issue. You will not lose any data unless there is a grave bug in MySQL and/or InnoDB's transaction handling (most of which were hammered out years ago). You may, however, lose time, as you must replay transactions from the recovery log upon starting back up.