Comment 13 for bug 162167

Revision history for this message
Mathias Gug (mathiaz) wrote :

Thanks for you debdiffs.

Your drops the debconf priority to medium, instead of high, resulting in a default install that doesn't prompt for a password during installation.

You've also tried to fix a non-existing issue in your last debdiff: /etc/init.d/mysql stop does the right thing even if mysqld is not running. Thus the comment raised in the debian-devel mail doesn't apply to mysql-dfsg. Please check if the issue applies to the package before fixing it.

Could you also not include all the translations in your debdiff ? These are automatically generated by the clean target and should be removed from the submitted debdiff to help the review. Look at the filterdiff command to help in that regard.

Otherwise the debconf code looks good and works. However adding a new string in the template means that we'll have to notify translators about it.