Comment 9 for bug 1496210

Revision history for this message
Mauricio Faria de Oliveira (mfo) wrote :

The snippets for IBM XIV are present in the source.

# head -n1 debian/changelog
multipath-tools (0.4.9-3ubuntu7.8) trusty; urgency=medium

# sed -n '/IBM XIV/,/}/ p' libmultipath/hwtable.c
                /* IBM XIV Storage System */
                .vendor = "IBM",
                .product = "2810XIV",
                .getuid = DEFAULT_GETUID,
                .features = "1 queue_if_no_path",
                .hwhandler = DEFAULT_HWHANDLER,
                .selector = DEFAULT_SELECTOR,
                .pgpolicy = MULTIBUS,
                .pgfailback = 15,
                .rr_weight = RR_WEIGHT_NONE,
                .no_path_retry = NO_PATH_RETRY_UNDEF,
                .minio = 15,
                .checker_name = TUR,
                .prio_name = DEFAULT_PRIO,
                .prio_args = NULL,