Comment 107 for bug 978807

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BrotherJoe (78luphr0rnk2nuqimstywepozxn9kl19tqh0tx66b5dki1xxsh5mkz9gl21a5rlwfnr8jn6ln0m3jxne2k9x1ohg85w3jabxlrqbgszpjpwcmvkbcvq9spp6z-launchpad-a811i2i3ytqlsztthjth0svbccw8inm65tmkqp9sarr553jq53in4xm1m8wn3o4rlwaer06ogwvqwv9mrqoku2x334n7di44o65qze67n1wneepmidnuwnde1) wrote :

This is outstanding! Thank you Kamal..

  I have one question; are there more tweaks available for the driver than what appear in the config dialog for the touchpad?

  One thing that I notice happens quite frequently is that the touchpad will be activated after a pause in typing and it'll perform a few right/left clicks and open windows and tabs! It'd be nice to reduce the sesitivity somehow.

  I've tried turning off touch to click and reducing the pixel requirements to count as double click, etc..

  Any other ideas?
