Comment 41 for bug 791089

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John Mason (merc68k) wrote : Re: crash after rebooting or shutting down from Ubuntu 11.04

I have the same problem with the same board, but I run ArchLinux. Since it seems to also affect Ubuntu and Fedora (, I suspect a kernel or module issue.

I've thought I've had a funny hardware issue for months and tried different CPUs and various hardware solutions all with no impact. I also have been having Windows randomly rebooting while starting up.

Turns out, this is caused by something in the Kernel or OS. After the OS has loaded, if I restart (either cleanly or with the hardware reset button), the next time the PC POSTs, it will automatically restart after about 1 minute, UNLESS I load Linux again!

I tested this a few ways and it happens every time, I went into the BIOS after rebooting, and waited one minute and 10 seconds, reboot. I paused the POST screen with shift+pause/break, and it rebooted after one minute 10 seconds. I timed the Windows bootup and after 1 minute 10 seconds, same deal again.

I tried the same thing with powering the system off completely, and if I was last in Linux, I get an error at POST, saying the last POST failed. If I watch closely on power on, I see my video card BIOS for a split second immediately after powering up, then the monitor loses signal and it flashes up again, and then POSTs.

I suspect somehow some timer is being set by the kernel that causes a reboot, and this somehow also survives powering off. So when powered off for more than 1 minute, this happens immediately, or after rebooting, it takes about 1 minute.

Also I've tried booting from a Linux Mint 11 (based on Ubuntu 11 I believe) live CD and have the same result.

Can you try rebooting from Ubuntu, entering your BIOS setup screen and waiting 1-2 minutes? I think you'll see the "magic" reboot...

I've only just discovered what's going on here today, so I'm still trying to find out how to fix it... but I'm "glad" to hear someone else has this issue. I'm glad I'm not dealing with a hardware issue either, as my machine is rock solid otherwise.

 I wonder if it's maybe a bug in the P5N-D BIOS...?