Comment 89 for bug 355998

Revision history for this message
Martin Schwenke (martin-meltin) wrote :

kbrock, provided you've done the previous 2 steps in comment 12 (apt-get source libgphoto2-2, wget ...) then the patch line should apply without any problems - you need to be in the directory containing the libgphoto2-2.4.2 subdirectory. It shouldn't make any difference but the only lines you need a "sudo" command for would be the the 1st 2 apt-get commands and the final dpkg commands - it is best to do as many steps as possible as you instead of as root.

If you want to retry then I'd suggest

  rm -r libgphoto*

... probably with sudo if the only files and directories are hanging around. :-)

Note that the very 1st apt-get command probably won't work. There is no package called debuild. You need devscripts instead because it contains the debuild command.

That said, building a patched package will probably do you no more good than using a package from someone's PPA...

So, when you say "Have added Michael Rooney's PPA" can you please explain the steps you did? After adding his PPA did you actually install the updated package from his PPA? :-)