Comment 12 for bug 1751000

Revision history for this message
Po-Hsu Lin (cypressyew) wrote :

The pmu failure could be found on Oracle B-4.15 as well:

 Running 'kvm-ok'
 INFO: /dev/kvm exists
 KVM acceleration can be used
 timeout -k 1s --foreground 90s /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -nodefaults -device pc-testdev -device isa-debug-exit,iobase=0xf4,iosize=0x4 -vnc none -serial stdio -device pci-testdev -machine accel=kvm -kernel /tmp/tmp.p5vxZITKIQ -smp 1 -cpu host # -initrd /tmp/tmp.ndP8Idxxbw
 enabling apic
 paging enabled
 cr0 = 80010011
 cr3 = 45a000
 cr4 = 20
 PMU version: 2
 GP counters: 4
 GP counter width: 48
 Mask length: 7
 Fixed counters: 3
 Fixed counter width: 48
 PASS: core cycles-0
 PASS: core cycles-1
 PASS: core cycles-2
 PASS: core cycles-3
 PASS: instructions-0
 PASS: instructions-1
 PASS: instructions-2
 PASS: instructions-3
 PASS: ref cycles-0
 PASS: ref cycles-1
 PASS: ref cycles-2
 PASS: ref cycles-3
 PASS: llc refference-0
 PASS: llc refference-1
 PASS: llc refference-2
 PASS: llc refference-3
 PASS: llc misses-0
 PASS: llc misses-1
 PASS: llc misses-2
 PASS: llc misses-3
 PASS: branches-0
 PASS: branches-1
 PASS: branches-2
 PASS: branches-3
 PASS: branch misses-0
 PASS: branch misses-1
 PASS: branch misses-2
 PASS: branch misses-3
 PASS: fixed-0
 PASS: fixed-1
 PASS: fixed-2
 PASS: rdpmc: cntr-0
 PASS: rdpmc: fast-0
 PASS: rdpmc: cntr-1
 PASS: rdpmc: fast-1
 PASS: rdpmc: cntr-2
 PASS: rdpmc: fast-2
 PASS: rdpmc: cntr-3
 PASS: rdpmc: fast-3
 FAIL: rdpmc: fixed cntr-0
 PASS: rdpmc: fixed fast-0
 FAIL: rdpmc: fixed cntr-1
 PASS: rdpmc: fixed fast-1
 FAIL: rdpmc: fixed cntr-2
 PASS: rdpmc: fixed fast-2
 FAIL: all counters
 PASS: overflow: cntr-0
 PASS: overflow: status-0
 PASS: overflow: status clear-0
 PASS: overflow: irq-0
 PASS: overflow: cntr-1
 PASS: overflow: status-1
 PASS: overflow: status clear-1
 PASS: overflow: irq-1
 PASS: overflow: cntr-2
 PASS: overflow: status-2
 PASS: overflow: status clear-2
 PASS: overflow: irq-2
 PASS: overflow: cntr-3
 PASS: overflow: status-3
 PASS: overflow: status clear-3
 PASS: overflow: irq-3
 PASS: overflow: cntr-4
 PASS: overflow: status-4
 PASS: overflow: status clear-4
 PASS: overflow: irq-4
 PASS: cmask
 SUMMARY: 67 tests, 4 unexpected failures
 FAIL pmu (67 tests, 4 unexpected failures)