Comment 14 for bug 1689886

Revision history for this message
Manoj Iyer (manjo) wrote : Could you please verify the kernel in proposed?


Could you please help verify the following kernel on the REP?

You can enable zesty-proposed to the system by adding the line.

deb zesty-proposed main

to /etc/apt/sources.list file, then do a sudo apt update; sudo apt
install linux-image-4.10.0-22-generic

Please note that when you boot the system you will encounter the NMI
soft lockup because the patches to fix that has not yet been merged to
zesty and those are still under review.. but if you wait long enough it
should give you a log in prompt.

After you have verified that the kernel fixes the issue, please update
the tag to verifcation-done.

Thanks a ton
Manoj Iyer.