Comment 9 for bug 894170

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rickyrockrat (rickyrockrat) wrote :

Trouble is, I get too much mail as it is. I'll just continue to carry on as I have - I get 2 new movies a week, so I go through a pretty fair selection of trouble makers, and so far, I've got a good system that uses a script that uses a combination of things - HandbrakeCLI,mplayer, vlc, vobcopy, ddrescue, and dvdbackup, though I primarily use mplayer & Handbrake - the former to rip, the latter to find the correct title - all just to watch a stupid movie. I'm considering releasing it on sourceforge - but it's an awful effort to get all the source patched and built, which has to be done or the script doesn't do much. So I'd have to do a build system, which takes time and is painful. Though I guess if I released i386 and amd64 debs, it would get the majority of the crowd.

I never would have gone down this path if those idiots hadn't pissed me off several times when I had to spend a couple hours trying to just play a movie I legally rented, so now I fix every glitch I discover, and make sure someone gets the patch for the world at large. It's astounding at how devious and fruitless their efforts are - and I will continue to fight with my vote and my code, but truly, I've got to have a mis-behaving movie, and I haven't come across one since this last fix, so not sure what being on the mailing list would do us - besides filling my inbox. I don't have time right now to go rent troublesome movies, so I think this mode will work for now. Besides, I've seen patches on mplayerhq that sat there for months, with various people wondering why they bothered. I know this is a pain for you, since you have to maintain the package, and it would be easier to submit to *hq, but maybe we're good for a bit - until the next desperate, brain dead attempt surfaces.