Comment 18 for bug 1468027

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Mingye Wang (artoria2e5) wrote :

My decaying brain… I mean \d{6}. I should just say ‘anything that's not iosevka’.

* * *

Well the biggest blocker here is actually some application support things. Qt show poor overall handling of some OpenType features used in SHS, the most significant being LOCL used in all those Super files. Line spacing also look weird under both Noto and SHS (SHS has a few releases to fixes some of the problems under OS X but … some said they break Plasma 5.)

If compatibility looks like a issue, a (relatively crazy) solution is to preinstall Kaigen Gothic instead. It's basically a TrueType version with some features removed (sigh.) If size looks like a problem (it definitely is), try to wise with the weights to preinstall, and don't even consider adding bytecode.