Comment 127 for bug 563878

Revision history for this message
Nathaniel Wilson (dubrict) wrote :

The real problem here is people who pretend that the greatest thing a linux distribution can do is immediately embrace new technologies that are not yet fully supported by vendor drivers, yet continue to harass users to install vendor drivers right after installing their OS. When you go even deeper, the real problem is that Ubuntu wants to be at the forefront of technology, but at the same time has a solid following from people who expect it to be stable and presentable as a demonstration of the advantages of Linux above other operating systems. Ubuntu developers can't keep trying to walk along both of these tightropes; they have to decide eventually.

Personally I am happy to see Ubuntu keep pushing into new technologies. In the meantime they can't keep simultaneously pushing themselves as a leader in new things like wayland (which I couldn't be more excited about) yet still present themselves as a stable, professional system. They need to branch out into a "hardcore linux guru" version and a "window convert" version if they want to keep pursuing these two completely different career paths.

And gslack, you might want to try reading posts before replying to them. I've tried and condoned many solutions to the splash screen problem. I've just taken these posts beyond this simple problem and applied them to the project as a whole.