Comment 5 for bug 578404

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Victor Marin (vms368) wrote :

Hi Marcos,
¿Qué tal estás?

I just saw your video. Yes it works fine there. However, I consistently get the said error.

In my case, I have arranged to deny all incoming connections AND also to deny all outgoing
but I just opened the ports for outgoing connections that actually I do use.

Perhaps if you set-up the firewall with deny also for outgoing connections this error will happen to you, too.

Steps to reproduce the bug:

1) Set-up the firewall to deny all by default (incoming and outgoing, as well).
2) Add some rules to allow outgoing connections and allow some incoming rule (I just added allow
incoming connections on aleatory port 958).
3) Then just try to erase it (select the just added incoming rule to be erased, then click in the remove button)
4) Instead the selected incoming rule being erased, Gufw erases some another rule, again and once again.

I just saw that if you select some outgoing rule to be removed.. it's also not erased but it's removed some other rule.
This seemed not to happen if there was not any incoming rule, but only outgoing rules.

I attach you the log file and some screenshots.

If you tell me how to make a video of the desktop, I will attach it as well.
