Comment 45 for bug 10713

Revision history for this message
Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) wrote :

Evgeny, I *did* try with Russian, with the words you posted above:
проверка русской арфографии

The first two words weren't underlined, the third one was.

But *it matters where you click* on the third word. If you click between:
ар => no (spell suggestion)
рф => yes
фо => yes
ог => no
гр => no
ра => no
аф => yes
фи => yes
ии => yes

So my guess is you clicked on one of those "yes" combinations.
If you don't see the same behavior, then maybe we have different settings or evolution version?
(I did install aspell-ru and my evolution version is 2.24.0-0ubuntu2).

You're right about the ASCII range though, e.g. if I write
аааааааааа (Russian а) => no suggestion
рррррррррр (Russian р) => no
ффффффф => *yes*

I'll check with more letters, to see if I can find any logic. I don't think dictionaries have to be installed to see which letters are "significant" and recognized by F7 and which not, so it should be ease (yet boring)...