Comment 51 for bug 277404

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James Cloos (launchpad-jhcloos) wrote :

[I posted this to the poppler bug, but it may be of interest here, too. -JimC]

The reason the level3 ghostscript generates does not cause the problem is that ghostscript’s level3 is essentially the same as its level2; only the name of the procset is different.

Xpdf, OTOH, does generate different code for level2 and level3.

The significant difference seen in ps generated from the posted example pdf is that xpdf, when generating level3 ps, embeds CID keyed fonts as CID keyed fonts.

The question, then, is: do the HP printers have bugs when dealing with CID keyed type42 fonts in PostScript jobs, or is Xpdf’s CID-related PS code buggy? A related question is whether CID keyed type1 fonts also have problems. The test would be to send the printer pstopdf -level3 output of a PDF which has CID keyed cff fonts embedded. (I can generate such a test job, if anyone is interested, but do not have access to a PS printer to test it on.)