Comment 4 for bug 116912

Revision history for this message
James Henstridge (jamesh) wrote :

I've made the above change, which seems to work at the GNOME-VFS level:

    >>> import gnomevfs
    >>> bda = '00:0E:ED:...'
    >>> def free_space(path):
    ... uri = gnomevfs.URI('obex://[%s]%s' % (bda, path))
    ... return gnomevfs.get_volume_free_space(uri)
    >>> free_space('/')
    >>> free_space('/Images/')
    >>> free_space('/Memory%20card/')

However, I am still seeing 4.6MB free space when browsing "Memory card" in Nautilus, so there is probably something else I need to do to get it working in Nautilus.