Comment 8 for bug 84662

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Erkki Seppälä (flux-inside) wrote :

I am seeing the same issue (Xnested xeyes appears to update only when the pointer crosses the Xnest's window edges) with Ubuntu 8.10. However, killing gnome-screensaver (2.24.0-0ubuntu2) didn't remove the problem, which I imagined should have helped, if it is to blame. Perhaps it should've been terminated in a way other than plain kill?

I am running the NVidia proprietary drivers, but as the bug is cunningly similar to this one which had didn't involve NVidia, I'm thinking that's not the case here either. I also verified the bug from another Ubuntu 8.10 user. (unknown setup)

I tried running xev -id $winid_of_Xnest, and received no output when moving the pointer across the Xnest window.

Could there be another process interested in my pointer movements? I'm running the following X clients: audacious bluetooth-applet evolution-alarm-notify evolution-exchange-storage firefox gnome-netstatus-applet gnome-panel gnome-power-manager gnome-settings-daemon mixer_applet2 mrxvt nautilus nm-applet notification-daemon rep rxvt seahorse-agent tracker-applet trashapplet update-notifier x-session-manager xemacs xterm.

Btw, the actual issue I originally have is not getting the mouse pointer move in Warsow :-), but bugs on that were marked to be duplicate of this.