Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Patch Age
Bug #433631: Wanda the fish is a mute! Wishlist Incomplete 631 weeks
Bug #43066: Window list behaves bad when panel is vertical. Medium Confirmed 696 weeks
Bug #403135: Notification area icon wrongly rendered/uses bg_color as a background (multiple apps) Low Confirmed 718 weeks
Bug #558631: vertical gnome-panel menu bar is layed out backwards Low Triaged 735 weeks
Bug #433808: Patch to add a fuzzy clock Wishlist Triaged 764 weeks
Bug #412975: option to hide handles on non-expanded panel Wishlist Triaged 769 weeks
Bug #150443: No workspace switching with mousewheel with compiz Wishlist Triaged 777 weeks
Bug #320223: Don't squish expandable applets when adding new one Low Triaged 798 weeks
Bug #35167: double-clicking a date should start evolution on the right day Low Confirmed 947 weeks
19 of 9 results