Comment 39 for bug 605567

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In , Greylander (greylander) wrote :

I can confirm that Firefox 8, on Ubuntu 10.04 still has this bug.

The problem is so common for me that I just always expect it -- I do not think it matters at all what web page one is looking at.

I have chrome browser, side by side Firefox, both on this web page (this bug report page). Chrome scrolls smooth as silk and is extremely responsive. Firefox is jittery with much lag.

Example of behavior: I use smooth scroll mouse wheel. Flick the scroll wheel, and maybe it zips up pretty quick halfway, that stops suddenly -- with the wheel still spinning fast. Do same in chrome and it scrolls all the way up (or down).

Generally speaking it is as if scrolling simply stops at random moments for up to 2-3 seconds (though about 1/2 second is probably most common).