Comment 58 for bug 259631

Revision history for this message
Charles Curley (charlescurley) wrote :

Judging by the comments in #48 above, I suspect my problem is related.

I can log in to my test machine at the keyboard, and the ~/Private directory is properly mounted. SSH in using public keys (authorized_keys), and it is not mounted.

ccurley@grissom:~$ /sbin/mount.ecryptfs_private
keyctl_search: Required key not available
ccurley@grissom:~$ keyctl show
Session Keyring
       -3 --alswrv 1000 -1 keyring: _uid_ses.1000
202034337 --alswrv 1000 -1 \_ keyring: _uid.1000

I believe that indicates that the keyring is empty.

I ran through Mr. Kirkland's exercise in comment 13 above, and was able to mount the directory correctly.

ccurley@grissom:~$ ll Private/
total 20
drwx------ 2 ccurley ccurley 4096 2008-11-06 18:57 .
drwxr-xr-x 36 ccurley ccurley 4096 2008-11-06 20:31 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 ccurley ccurley 15 2008-11-06 18:57 test

I hope the proposed fix handles the case of SSH as well.