Comment 5 for bug 1404300

Revision history for this message
Robie Basak (racb) wrote :

I can reproduce this on Trusty (1.0.1~dfsg1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu0.14.04.1) but not on my test 1.6.0 package that didn't include the workaround in Wily. So I presume this is somehow fixed upstream and a patch is no longer needed. When we push 1.6 back into stable releases that should resolve the outstanding bug tasks.

Exact steps I used:

sudo -i
docker pull ubuntu:14.04
docker run -d ubuntu:14.04 /bin/sleep 3600
service docker stop
service docker start
docker ps -a
docker start <uuid of container>

In addition, I used a proxy setting in /etc/default/ (Trusty) and /etc/default/docker (Wily). On Trusty, export= is needed as it's sourced from an upstart job. On Wily, export= must be absent as it uses systemd EnvironmentFile syntax.

Also the service name on Trusty is, not docker.