Comment 6 for bug 1908375

Revision history for this message
Dariusz Gadomski (dgadomski) wrote :

I have also made an attempt to run tasks.ceph_deploy test suite with vstart as this seems to be the only one that makes use of `ceph-volume`, but I have failed due to Python2/Python3 syntax issues.

I have set up venv with Python2 (since qa/tasks/ is not Python3 compatible) with teuthology (pip install git+[test]).

Test run result:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../qa/tasks/", line 1086, in <module>
  File "../qa/tasks/", line 893, in exec_test
    args=["ps", "-u"+str(os.getuid())]
  File "../qa/tasks/", line 296, in run
  File "../qa/tasks/", line 164, in wait
TypeError: unicode argument expected, got 'str'

I'm not sure how to successfully run the suite, but I'll keep trying.