Comment 21 for bug 1228567

Revision history for this message
Fayce (fayce66) wrote :

Habing the same problem! Friday everything was working fine. Started my desktop PC this morning, login, then nothing happens at all, no panel, no menu nothing. Workaround for now is CTRL+ATL+F1, login in terminal, stop ligthdm and startxfce4 manually.

I tried all the solutions suggested in many different blogs, nothing works!
 my .xsession-errors only shows:

openConnection: connect: No such file or directory
cannot connect to brltty at :0
Script for none started at run_im.
init: no-pinentry-gnome3 main process (2163) terminated with status 1
init: gnome-keyring-gpg main process (2176) killed by TERM signal
init: Disconnected from notified D-Bus bus

That's it! Any new suggestions on how to fix this appreciated. Thanks.